We recommend any of the resources below as introductions to the path of practice in the Zen tradition.
Chant Book
Our chant book includes short texts that are traditionally chanted during formal services in our Soto Zen lineage.
Reading List
Below are some of the books we have read together during the dharma reading and discussion period of our Tuesday evening meetings. We encourage anyone curious about our teachings and Soto Zen Buddhism to explore these texts.
The World Could Be Otherwise: Imagination and the Bodhisattva Path, by Norman Fischer
Living by Vow: A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts, by Shohaku Okumura
Naked in the Zendo: Stories of Uptight Zen, Wild-Ass Zen, and Enlightenment Wherever You Are, by Grace Schireson
Seeds for a Boundless Life: Zen Teachings from the Heart, by Zenkei Blanche Hartman
Not Always So: Practicing the True Spirit of Zen, by Shunryu Suzuki
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice, by Shunryu Suzuki
The Shamanic Bones of Zen: Revealing the Ancestral Spirit and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition, by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Waking Up to What You Do: A Zen Practice for Meeting Every Situation with Intelligence and Compassion, by Grace Schireson
Inside the Flower Garland: Sutra Huayan Buddhism and the Modern World, by Ben Connelly