Service Schedule

You can add the live KZC service and events calendar (below) to your personal calendar.

Check our Facebook page for updates or closures due to sickness or weather.

Services & Events Calendar

You can add this to your personal calendar, print or save the current view, or bookmark this page to keep track of our schedule and upcoming events.

Our Schedule

  • Tuesday Evenings

    7:30 - 8:00pm 

    Zazen (sitting meditation)

    8:00 - 8:30pm

    Dharma reading and discussion

    Please arrive 10 minutes early.

  • First Tuesdays

    7:30 - 8:20pm 

    Zazen (sitting meditation) and Kinhin (walking meditation)

    8:20 - 8:30pm

    Formal Service

    Please arrive 10 minutes early.

  • Thursday Mornings

    6:30 - 7:05am

    Zazen (sitting meditation)

    followed by chanting the Heart Sutra

    Please arrive 10 minutes early.

  • Full Moon Evenings

    7:30 - 8:10pm

    Zazen (sitting meditation)

    8:10 - 8:30pm

    Full Moon Service

    Please arrive 10 minutes early.

  • Annual Events

    Early January

    New year’s relinquishment and renewal ceremony

    Around April 8th

    Buddha's birthday half-day sit and service

    Around December 8th

    Rohatsu five-day evening zazen and Bodhi holiday party

    Dates, times, and locations vary; refer to this year’s calendar .